F03 A: Understanding Dental Insurance and Myths

Course Summary

Does insurance drive you and your team crazy? Are you getting denied for legitimate claims on common services like crowns and SRP? Do you ever have patients upset because they owe more money after their EOB comes in?

This course will help teach you and your team how to navigate the maze of insurance systems and practices so that you can maximize returns for you and your patients almost every time. There are simple and practical steps all throughout this CE course that will guide you to a better understanding of insurance and how you can confidently manage through today’s complexity. Are you ready to change dealing with insurance from a nightmare to just a mild annoyance?

Learn how to manage insurance to improve reimbursement and your relationship with patients.

Course Objectives

  • Understand the Insurance Process
  • Bust Common Myths in Dental Insurance
  • Learn How to Avoid Most Denials
  • Common Coding Mistakes
  • Correctly Coding Implant, Denture, and Hybrid cases
  • Managing Secondary Insurance

CE Credit Hours = 3

AGD Code = 550

Dentist Front Desk
